Monday, July 4, 2011

Module 4

Who benefits from a strong nation government? in what ways?

-In the early days of this countries upbringing, the only people that really benefited from a strong national government were the wealthy. They are the one's who could afford to pay taxes, who's voted was counted or even considered. The rich were looked at as powerful people in that time period and the society in which they were classified. For the poorer people of the colonial times, even having a strong government didnt matter or help them in any ways. The poor whites people to the captivated slaves were given no assistance and relief toward good direction in aid to get on track.

In todays soceity i believe everyone benefits from a strong national government. Programs to assists the homeless and poverty stricken people are available to lend helping hands. The rich still benefited as they did in the early colonial times.

Examine the conflicts in Greece and that there shows you what happens when your countries government structure is collapsing. However, the U.S. is always there to assist. I used to always wonder why the U.S was so involved with other countries problems while we have are own here. But without U.S. assistance, or country would suffer from other countries problems from trading to stock markets, a lot would suffer in which could cause us to collapse. Im proud to be from the United States and an American. We may be going through hard times at this current time, but we always manage to rebound, pick ourselves up and continue being the greatest country in the world.

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