I think ideology changes with every generation. A word that somes up ideology to me is, common sense. But what is common sense? Frankly that is another question to be answered, but for the short of it, common sense is the average persons way of thinking. Ideology goes back to the French Revolution and the early days of the U.S. President Jefferson was a philosopher of political ideology. His philosophy was to set morals, princibles, ethics, and ideals to how he believed society should be governed. His thoughts were that people of American society should talk, walk, dress, act, look and behave all the same. Indians could have their hair cut, taught english and given decent clothes to wear. Morals of slavery was ideology, people were either for slavery or against slavery, no in betweens. But like I said at the beginning, I think ideology changes in every generations. Go back to the 1950's were women were "suppose" to be proper, wear a skirt, leg stalkings, and keep their hair in a bun. They worked in the house, cleaned and cooked. Up until the mid 1970's, that ideology was engrained in Americans head of how women should keep themselves. Now look at today. Society has changed so much that both men and women work full-time and usually until the age of 65-ish. We rely on some much goods just to get through one single day. Coffee shops are on every corner; dont forget you $3.00 cup of coffee. Yet we drive by the gas station and complain how expensive it is, after we just paid $3.00 for a cup of coffee while at the same time, we are forced to pay such and such amount for gas because thats how we get our coffee, get to work, go to the gym, stop by trader joes, and eventually land back at home just to go to bed and get up the next day to do it all over again. I've have never been to Europe, but a few of m friends have, and they say that European culture is way relaxed than our in the U.S. Marketing and manufacturing have us Americans by the arm...we consume and complain so much, but our society is always willing to follow the leader instead of standing up to it.
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